Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you ship?

We ship worldwide!

Please let us know if you cannot find your country and we will get it sorted immediately.

How long it takes until I get my order?

It takes us 1-3 business days to process your order. After that, we ship it to you according to your chosen shipping method. In Australia: Standard shipping is 2-6 business days. Express shipping is 1-3 business days.

For other countries, the estimate of your standard and express shipping delivery times will be stated.

See our shipping policy here.

Where can I track my shipment?

You will receive a shipment confirmation from us via email as soon as your order has been shipped. In that confirmation, you can find a tracking code that should direct you straight to the tracking page if your order is trackable.

If you have trouble finding the tracking page, please contact us at

What is your return policy?

We do not accept returns for change of mind. If you have issues with your order, please email us at and we will let you know your options.

Our Guarantee: If after 60 days, you believe our framework has not made a positive difference in your life, you may be eligible for a refund, click below.

You can read our full return policy here.

Can I cancel my order?

We don't accept cancellation after you have made your order. Please contact us directly with the contact form below or at for any questions.


Selfology. Contact Details

Customer Service Email:

Location: Sydney, Australia